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PDF thumbnails

Verfasst: Mi 24. Feb 2010, 15:03
von Michael_S

Is it possible to create thumbnails of PDFs? If not this should this be added to the wish list.


Re: PDF thumbnails

Verfasst: Mi 24. Feb 2010, 15:21
von we:willRockYou
Hi Michael,

no, it's not possible. Thumbnails are based on the GD library and it doesn't support PDF.

Though, actually it shouldn't be a big deal. With access to the command line it should be possible to create thumbs with the shell command gs (Ghostscript).

Feel free to add your feature request to the Tracker. :)

Re: PDF thumbnails

Verfasst: Mi 24. Feb 2010, 17:59
von Michael_S
Hi Daniel,

Thanks for the swift reply ... I will add it to the tracker as it would be useful for large archives but this time around a Photoshop action did the trick :-)