Die Suche ergab 160 Treffer

von Michael_S
Fr 17. Jan 2014, 15:42
Forum: webEdition Basic Version
Thema: UserInput Image not uploading
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 4554

UserInput Image not uploading

Hi, I have the following code which works to create the Object but the image is not uploaded? The code for the form to create the Object with image: <we:form type="object" id="218" name="upload" method="post" target="_self" classid="6"> <we...
von Michael_S
Di 26. Nov 2013, 13:31
Forum: webEdition Basic Version
Thema: WYSIWYG editor image ALT text
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 4796

WYSIWYG editor image ALT text

Hi, If I add a image to the content of a WYSIWYG editor (tinyMCE) without ALT text and publish the page and then update the ALT text for the image outside of the WYSIWYG editor the ALT text is not showing up even if I rebuild the page. Should I expect the ALT text for a image to automatically be ins...
von Michael_S
Mo 18. Nov 2013, 15:01
Forum: webEdition Basic Version
Thema: Export download
Antworten: 0
Zugriffe: 4318

Export download


The Export download function is not automatically starting (we, is there a workaround for this?

von Michael_S
Mo 18. Nov 2013, 14:57
Forum: webEdition Basic Version
Thema: WYSIWYG editor error message
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 5573

Re: WYSIWYG editor error message

Hi mokraemer,

Yes it was that, switched to tinyMCE and all is good.


von Michael_S
Mi 6. Nov 2013, 17:12
Forum: Shop Module
Thema: Basket total items
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 3147

Re: Basket total items

Worked it out ... 1. Calculate the number of items per product: <we:repeatShopItem shopname="shop"> <we:calculate sum="item" print="false"> <we:showShopItemNumber shopname="shop"> </we:calculate> </we:repeatShopItem> 2. Calculate the total items (print must be...
von Michael_S
Mi 6. Nov 2013, 16:40
Forum: Shop Module
Thema: Basket total items
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 3147

Basket total items

How do I calculate the total number of items in a shopping basket?
von Michael_S
Do 24. Okt 2013, 16:37
Forum: webEdition Basic Version
Thema: WYSIWYG editor error message
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 5573

WYSIWYG editor error message

Hi, I have a error message appearing in the WYSIWYG editor when a large amount of text is entered. I have one box with 7,412 characters and another with 15,443 characters in the WYSIWYG editor on separate pages and both display the following error massage when you try to edit the text? "Request...
von Michael_S
Mo 14. Okt 2013, 14:25
Forum: webEdition Templates erstellen (we:Tags)
Thema: Anhang an Kontakt-Formular-Mail
Antworten: 9
Zugriffe: 6628

Re: Anhang an Kontakt-Formular-Mail

It seems that the formmail file attachment function is is still not working, testing in

Code: Alles auswählen

<we:formfield name="File" type="file" />
It would be useful to be able to attach a file to a email form as we may not always want to store the data in webEdition.

von Michael_S
Di 27. Aug 2013, 16:49
Forum: Off-Topic & Smalltalk
Thema: Class fields naming convention and style
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 6739

Re: Class fields naming convention and style

Hi Carrear, I can see that the single words have advantages when working with queries but then you get into the issue of case sensitive reserved words "Title, Description, Keywords" so you would have to use lowercase words. But then you still need a way of delimiting the words as a single ...
von Michael_S
Di 27. Aug 2013, 15:19
Forum: Off-Topic & Smalltalk
Thema: Class fields naming convention and style
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 6739

Class fields naming convention and style

Hi All, What Naming Convention and Style would the group recommend for Class fields? I've been using bumpy caps / camel caps for a long time now and including the Class name. For example if I have a Class called 'Article' I would name my fields in the singular ... 'ArticleTitle', 'ArticleDescription...
von Michael_S
Mo 15. Jul 2013, 15:43
Forum: Installation and update
Thema: Installation issues on Windows 2008 server
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 3438

Installation issues on Windows 2008 server

Hi All, I have a issue where a WE installation created a large number of log entries in the table 'tblErrorLog' and also sent out a number of notification email's. The server is running Windows 2008 server. I normally avoid Windows server and stick to Linux, this is the first time I've come across t...
von Michael_S
Di 11. Jun 2013, 18:07
Forum: Creating templates
Thema: Document fields list
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 3268

Document fields list


Where do we find a list of the documents fields (e.g. wedoc_ModDate), I would like to display the Created by and Changed by usernames.


von Michael_S
Mi 27. Mär 2013, 04:44
Forum: DB / Object Module
Thema: Condition for Multi Object field
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 5283

Re: Condition for Multi Object field

Hi Thomas, Thanks for the code snippet but its not working for me, this is what I'm using for testing: MultiobjectFieldname = Node_Category Class field = Category_Name http://domain.com/index.php?cat=Gallery <we:setVar to="global" nameto="iObjectID" from="request" namef...
von Michael_S
Di 26. Mär 2013, 20:55
Forum: DB / Object Module
Thema: Condition for Multi Object field
Antworten: 6
Zugriffe: 5283

Condition for Multi Object field

Hi, How would I construct a condition for a Multi Object field in an Class? http://domain.com/index.php?cat=category1 Class = Node Field = Node_Category Type = Multi object Multi object Class = Category Multi object's = category1, category2, category3 Class = Category Field = Category_Name Type = Te...
von Michael_S
So 15. Jul 2012, 13:35
Forum: Customer Management
Thema: Email confirmation on customer registration
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 13260

Re: Email confirmation on customer registration

Ok, this is what I ended up with. It's based on we:tags and should be easy for most people to implement. If there are any issues or obvious improvements with this method please contribute. The Customer Management module requires the following extra fields: Customer_Email Customer_Password Customer_A...

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