Die Suche ergab 44 Treffer

von ounos
Mi 8. Feb 2017, 13:06
Forum: Installation and update
Thema: Upgrade to v7.0.3
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 6694

Re: Upgrade to v7.0.3

It seems that I can see v7.0.3 upgrade option only when I enable pre-release versions.
von ounos
Mi 8. Feb 2017, 12:04
Forum: Installation and update
Thema: Upgrade to v7.0.3
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 6694

Upgrade to v7.0.3

As far as I know 7.0.3 was released yesterday, so I tried today to upgrade some wE installations, but 7.0.3 doesn't appear in the list of the offered versions. The most recent version I see is 7.0.2. Besides that, if I have another language installed (in my case EN) I get the following error: we-upg...
von ounos
Mo 10. Okt 2016, 13:12
Forum: webEdition Basic Version
Thema: Create wE document folder dynamically
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 7278

Create wE document folder dynamically

Hello, is there any proper way to create a wE document folder dynamically using php ? I already use the following code: $folder = new we_folder(); $folder->initByPath($a_path_var); which will create successfully the desired folder BUT if I delete the folder once, it cannot be recreated and I get the...
von ounos
Di 19. Jul 2016, 16:05
Forum: webEdition Basic Version
Thema: Condition using document path
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 5665

Re: Condition using document path

Is it a folder, which is directly in the main folder? If it is, you could try to make a listdir, to write the id of every folder, but this one to an array. Than PHP implode this array with a comma as seperator and give this value to the listview as workspaceID. EDIT: Alternatively, you could try to...
von ounos
Di 19. Jul 2016, 11:04
Forum: webEdition Basic Version
Thema: Condition using document path
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 5665

Condition using document path

Is it possible to use document's path in <we:conditionAdd/> field attribute ?

I want to achieve something like that:

Code: Alles auswählen

<we:conditionAdd field="document_path" compare="NOT LIKE" value="%/dir_to_exclude/%"/>
Thank you.
von ounos
Mi 4. Mai 2016, 15:09
Forum: webEdition Basic Version
Thema: Set a we:linklist element using PHP
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 5154

Re: Set a we:linklist element using PHP

sorry. if you want to do everything on your own, you have to read the code by yourself. What does that even suppose to mean ? I am trying to migrate a large amount of data from another platform and of course using anything else than php code is not possible. So, if there is a way to use (any) exist...
von ounos
Mi 4. Mai 2016, 14:02
Forum: webEdition Basic Version
Thema: Set a we:linklist element using PHP
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 5154

Set a we:linklist element using PHP

Similar question like this one: http://forum.webedition.org/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=40713 . Is there any method/way available to add a new link with a title to a we:linklist ? Of course once again I must warn everyone that any 'solution' described below is not recommended at all, it's totally unoff...
von ounos
Di 3. Mai 2016, 16:39
Forum: webEdition Basic Version
Thema: Set a we:href element via PHP
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 9504

Re: Set a we:href element via PHP

biwaMedia hat geschrieben: not sure understaning your question correctly
I want to set we:href using php code.
von ounos
Di 3. Mai 2016, 13:03
Forum: webEdition Basic Version
Thema: Set a we:href element via PHP
Antworten: 4
Zugriffe: 9504

Set a we:href element via PHP

I know that it's not recommended in any way but is there a way/method to set a we:href element where the value is either an internal id or an external url? Something similar to setElement().

Thank you in advance.
von ounos
Mo 11. Apr 2016, 10:05
Forum: webEdition Basic Version
Thema: Create document directory
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 7469

Create document directory

Is there any way to create a document directory using wE tags (?) or php code ?

Thank you in advance.
von ounos
Do 31. Mär 2016, 13:37
Forum: webEdition Basic Version
Thema: we_save() and filepath
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 9107

Re: we_save() and filepath

Hi, try to look at an existing document by $doc = new we_webEditionDocument(); $doc->initById('yourId') p_r($doc); There you can find the values you have to set, like perhaps $doc->ParentID, $doc->IsSearchable and so on... Bye Timo Thanks for the advice. JFTR: setting the ParentID did the trick.
von ounos
Do 31. Mär 2016, 12:15
Forum: webEdition Basic Version
Thema: we_save() and filepath
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 9107

we_save() and filepath

I am trying to create a new document under a custom folder (i.e. my_path ) using the following code: $doc = new we_webEditionDocument(); $doc->Filename = $doc_id; $doc->Path = "/my_path/" . $doc_id . ".php"; $doc->Extension = ".php"; $doc->we_save(); but the document is...
von ounos
Fr 18. Mär 2016, 11:29
Forum: webEdition Basic Version
Thema: wE 7: image referenced documents
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 4328

wE 7: image referenced documents

<?php $doc = new we_webEditionDocument(); ... $doc->setElement('my-textarea', '<a href="document:1">Link</a>'); $doc->we_save(); ?> The link is working properly, but when I check the image's (document:1) Information tab, the document is not in referenced by list. Any way to create this re...
von ounos
Di 25. Aug 2015, 12:04
Forum: webEdition Basic Version
Thema: multidomain & files
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 7956

Re: multidomain & files


It seems that files are created under wrong folder.

My setup is as follows:

FOLDER1 -> example1.com
FOLDER2 -> example2.com

New files are created under FOLDER1/FOLDER1/ or FOLDER1/FOLDER2 for some reason.
von ounos
Di 25. Aug 2015, 11:05
Forum: webEdition Basic Version
Thema: listview order
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 7501

Re: listview order

To whom it may be interested, I had to create a new template and use it as a script in order to bulk update existing documents: <we:listview name="myListview" type="document" doctype="myDoctype"> <we:repeat> <we:field name="WE_ID" to="global" nameto=...

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