ich habe ein Formular und der Mailversand klaptt bestens.
Möchte ich aber aus dem Inhalt eine HTML Mail machen, bekomme ich folgenden Fehler:
Code: Alles auswählen
Cannot log error! Could not send e-mail due to no known recipient:
An SQL Error occurred while executing a script in webEdition.
webEdition address: www.xxx.de,
URI: /xxx.php
Host: web3.alfahosting-server.de
Error type: SQL Error
Error message: Cannot log error! Query failed: Table './e9j75cf3_salem2021/tblErrorLog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error message: MYSQL-ERROR
Fehler: 145
Detail: Table './e9j75cf3_salem2021/tblErrorLog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Query: INSERT INTO tblErrorLog SET `Type`="Exception",`Function`="-",`File`="SECURITY_REPL_DOC_ROOT/webEdition/generated/templates/_inkludiert/xxx.php",`Line`=32,`Text`="syntax error, unexpected \'onload\' (T_STRING)",`Backtrace`="#0 SECURITY_REPL_DOC_ROOT/webEdition/generated/templates/_inkludiert/xxx.php(32): \n#0 SECURITY_REPL_DOC_ROOT/webEdition/we/include/we_showDocument.inc.php(103): include()\n#1 SECURITY_REPL_DOC_ROOT/Fachabteilungen/Urologie/Formular/xxx.php(4): require(\'/var/www/vhosts...\')\n#2 {main}",`Request`="",`Session`="",`Global`="",`Server`=""
Script name:
Line number: 0
Caller: errorHandler
Backtrace: #0 we_base_errorHandler::errorHandler called at [:]
#1 we_database_base->query called at [webEdition/we/classes/base/we_base_errorHandler.class.php:335]
Cannot log error! Could not send e-mail due to no known recipient:
An Exception occurred while executing a script in webEdition.
webEdition address: www.xxx.de,
URI: xxx.php
Host: web3.alfahosting-server.de
Error type: Exception
Error message: Cannot log error! Query failed: Table './e9j75cf3_salem2021/tblErrorLog' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Error message: syntax error, unexpected 'onload' (T_STRING)
Script name: SECURITY_REPL_DOC_ROOT/webEdition/generated/templates/_inkludiert/xxx.php
Line number: 32
Caller: -
Backtrace: -
Code: Alles auswählen
$nachricht = '<html><head> <title>xxx</title></head><body><table>';
$nachricht .= '<tr><td>Vorname:</td><td> '.$_POST['vorname'].'<br></td></tr>';
$nachricht .= '</table></body></html>';
$header = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$header .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8". "\r\n";
$header .= 'From: xxx <info@xxx.de>' . "\r\n";
mail($empfaenger, $betreff, $nachricht, $header);
Hat jemand eine Idee?
Würde es gerne optisch ein wenig anpassen.
Danke schon mal.