Viewing excel documents within an HTML page


Viewing excel documents within an HTML page

Beitragvon Surfinteractive_co_uk » Do 1. Sep 2005, 18:08


A new user to the webedition software, I'm wondering if there is a we: tag that can be used within a template that allows a user to edit an html file to display an excel file within the html page? Like the image we tag but for excel documents??


Many thanks

David Wright

Ralf Pospiech

Beitragvon Ralf Pospiech » Di 13. Sep 2005, 08:21

Hello David,

for this function, webEdition offers no special tag. You can use the we:href tag to include excel Documents in your website, when the needed plugin is available in the customers browser, the browser will be able to show the excel document, else the document will be downloaded.

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