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XML navigation

Verfasst: Di 7. Nov 2006, 11:28
von ikbenivo
Is it possible to output the navigation (from the navigation tool) as XML?

('cause I want to make a flash navigation based on the navigation tool input..)

Verfasst: Di 12. Dez 2006, 13:09
von Boris Toeltl
Hi ikbenivo,

This is possible.

Create a template with the following code:

Code: Alles auswählen

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<we:navigation navigationname="myXMLNavigation" parentid="0" />

	<we:navigationEntry type="folder" navigationname="myXMLNavigation">
		<we:navigationEntries />

	<we:navigationEntry type="item" navigationname="myXMLNavigation">
			<level><we:navigationField name="level"/></level>
			<name><we:navigationField name="text" /></name>

<we:navigationWrite navigationname="myXMLNavigation"/>
Then create a new document with the file extension ".xml" and define as template the aforementioned template.

Depending on the requirements of your XML document you can customize the output by adding code for different levels etc.

Boris Töltl