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Why is my search indexing all the pages for any search word

Verfasst: Mi 12. Dez 2007, 10:52
von h2g
The code goes : --

<we:listview type="search" rows="10" desc="true">

<div class="sresult">
<h2><we:field name="Title" type="text" alt="we_path" hyperlink="true"/></h2>
<p><we:field name="we_text" type="text" alt="we_text" max="500" /></p>
<a href="<we:field name="we_path" />"><we:field name="we_path" type="text" alt="we_path" hyperlink="false" /></a>

<span><we:field name="ModDate" type="date" format="d.m.Y" /></span>



Nothing Found !