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Footer navigation with navigation module

Verfasst: Mi 8. Dez 2010, 18:03
von Japio
Hi there,

I would like to have the navigation displayed in the footer like this:

Right now it's just hard-coded and that's not the ideal way for the client.
Does someone know a way to use the navigation module for this?


Re: Footer navigation with navigation module

Verfasst: Mi 8. Dez 2010, 22:12
von WBTMagnum
Hi Jasper,

Building a footer navigation like this is definitely possible. I suppose you already have the navigation elements in the navigation module. Simply adapt your navigation template to output the required HTML.


Re: Footer navigation with navigation module

Verfasst: Do 9. Dez 2010, 16:30
von Japio
I managed to output it like i want, so that's solved.