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How-to move from one domain to another?

Verfasst: Di 6. Sep 2011, 11:25
von nicky6

I've been asked to move a website from one domain to another, and looking at it, both webEdition and pageLogger has been used.
Now I'm wondering what would be the best way to move the site, with the least work? I do not know what version of webEdition is used, neither pageLogger. Nor do I know how to login to webEdition/pageLogger to check the versions and/or upgrade.

What I did do, was to
  • copy the site from the current host, to the new, except I didn't use the same root directory structure of course. Instead of

    Code: Alles auswählen

     /<webserver root>/<account number>/<web root>/webseiten/webEdition
    I have

    Code: Alles auswählen

    /<new hosts webserver root>/<account name>/<web root>/webEdition
  • backup the databases and uploaded them to the new hosts mySQL with the same user/pwd but of course new mySQL URL
  • update the webEdition include file (note, I only found one) where I found the path to the mySQL installation
This didn't work however. So please help me doing this move as smooth as possible. Pointers to instructions and/or instructions as an answer to this post are highly appreciated!

Re: How-to move from one domain to another?

Verfasst: Mo 19. Sep 2011, 15:19
von mokraemer
I can only speak for webEdition itself:
all needed configuration settings can be found in webEdition/we/include/conf/
make sure the webEdition dir is located at root-level of the document_root dir!

we itself has no domain-specific configuration!

Re: How-to move from one domain to another?

Verfasst: Mi 21. Sep 2011, 21:03
von nicky6
which is the document_root directory?

Re: How-to move from one domain to another?

Verfasst: Do 22. Sep 2011, 02:17
von mokraemer
the document_root is the top directory where your dns-entry points to.
if you have a hosted site, and you connect via ftp, this is mostly sth. like www/ or html/
Or in other words, if you call the url http://yourdomain/index.html - the directory where this file resides