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SEO Links - manually constructed links

Verfasst: Sa 19. Nov 2011, 19:03
von Michael_S

I have SEO links working but have a problem with links which are created manually. I have a news object and a comment object, on the news detail page the registered customer can post a comment relating to the news item. When the comment is posted the object ID of the news item is registered in the comment object to allow a return link to be created. The reason for wanting a NON-SEO link is to ensure the comment remains linked to the news item if the title changes.

How do I set up my .htaccess file to work with the manually constructed links as illustrated in the code below?

1. Create the comment object including the NON-SEO link as well as the SEO link:

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<?php $url="http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?>

<we:object objectseourls="true">
<?php $post_oid = $GLOBALS['we_obj']->ID; ?>

<we:form type="object" id="25" name="comment" method="post" target="_self" categories="/News" classid="3" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">

	<input type="hidden" name="we_ui_comment[Comment_UID]" value="<we:sessionField type="print" name="ID" />">
	<input type="hidden" name="we_ui_comment[Comment_Username]" value="<we:sessionField type="print" name="Username" />">
	<!-- NON-SEO link -->
	<input type="hidden" name="we_ui_comment[Comment_Post_OID_URL]" value="/<we:path hidehome="true" />?we_objectID=<?php echo $post_oid; ?>">
	<!-- SEO link -->
	<input type="hidden" name="we_ui_comment[Comment_Post_URL]" value="<?php echo $url; ?>">

	<p class="textarea"><we:userInput type="textarea" name="Comment_Body" autobr="true" hideautobr="true" /></p>
	<p class="submit"><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></p>

2. Construct the registered users comment listview matching the comments user ID and the session users ID:

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<we:condition name="condition">
	<we:conditionAdd field="Comment_UID" compare="=" var="ID" type="sessionfield" exactmatch="true" />

<we:listview type="object" name="Comment_Listview" order="we_published" desc="true" classid="3" condition="\$condition" objectseourls="true" hidedirindex="true">
		<a href="<we:field name="Comment_Post_OID_URL" />">link</a>
3. The field Comment_Post_OID_URL = /news/detail.php?we_objectID=128

Re: SEO Links - manually constructed links

Verfasst: Mi 23. Nov 2011, 02:30
von mokraemer
I'm not sure if I fully understand what you want, but maybe this can help, use

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<we:url type="object" id="..."/>
it would be better if the field "Comment_Post_OID_URL" just contains the id (if possible), so the code could look like this (untested):

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<we:listview type="object" name="Comment_Listview" order="we_published" desc="true" classid="3" condition="\$condition" objectseourls="true" hidedirindex="true">
<we:field name="Comment_Post_OID_URL" nameto="myurl" to="global"/>
      <a href="<we:url type="object" id="\$myurl"/>">link</a>
at least since version 6.2.2 (guess) nameto and to is available to most of the tag.
Hope this helps.