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Max number of fields in Class?

Verfasst: Fr 1. Mai 2015, 15:18
von Michael_S

It looks like there's a limit on the number of fields a Class can hold, in the one I'm working on I can only add 24 fields?

Is this the case and if so can the limit be changed to allow more fields.



Re: Max number of fields in Class?

Verfasst: Fr 1. Mai 2015, 15:51
von mokraemer
the limit is set by the database and depends upon your field types, field length, the database version and the database encoding (uft-8 consumes more space than iso codes)

Re: Max number of fields in Class?

Verfasst: Fr 1. Mai 2015, 16:07
von Michael_S
mokraemer hat geschrieben:the limit is set by the database and depends upon your field types, field length, the database version and the database encoding (uft-8 consumes more space than iso codes)
Hi mokraemer,

Yes, I was just looking at the db and got the following error message ... I will have to look at the data to adjust the field lengths:
MySQL hat geschrieben:#1118 - Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs


Re: Max number of fields in Class?

Verfasst: Fr 1. Mai 2015, 16:20
von Michael_S
It would be good to have some feedback in the Class editor when you reach the limit of the table. I will add this as a feature request.


Re: Max number of fields in Class?

Verfasst: Fr 1. Mai 2015, 20:14
von mokraemer
for your problem you can change some of the columns to textarea which results in a text-column or change the length of some fields.